Leticia Paschetta

Ludic Artist, Architect, Designer

Architect. Master in design (University of Navarra). Designer of the German firm Richter Spielgeräte. Researcher and university professor. Her works have been exhibited in New York, London, Bilbao, Barcelona and Argentina.

My childhood was a time between the immense verticality of the Andes and the plains of the Argentine pampas, exploring tree branches, scrapyards or walking around with my body wrapped between curtains…. I loved to play. I felt great curiosity and enthusiasm for different subjects: art, science, biology, building, writing, inventing… I always felt the need to put as many things together as possible to create unexpected situations in the infinite expanse of imagination.

My work focuses on inventing “ludic landscapes”, spatial experiences that merge art, design and structural innovation, exploring the possibility of modifying our perception and the way we play, dream and feel. The production ranges from small scale models to installations and architecture. In my workspace art and science are fused; fabrics, mock-ups and sewing molds coexist with structural analysis software. I feel as if my great-grandmother, who taught me how to knit, was sitting at the same table with great engineers from the history of construction, discussing ideas with her experience. That is something I find fascinating!


2002. Architect. Argentine

2005. Design Master. Navarra

2007. Superior Architect. Spain


Researcher and professor in Architectural Design, Architectural Structural Systems, Materials and Processes (Industrial Design).

Postgraduate Professor School Architecture Specialization

Thesis Director and Jury of Undergraduate and Graduate

LA Innovation Rally Jury

Counselor Entrepreneurial Projects Universidad Nacional del Litoral


2019. Emerging LA Architecture  

2018. MAR Contemporary Art Museum. Conference.

2018. 4th Contemporary Art Meeting “Art, Design and Social Transformation”


2024. AZ Bilbao “Playing Foggy Landscapes” Installation.

2023. New York NYCxDesign Festival “ludic & creative process”.

2022. London Design Festival “Bubble houses Belgrave Square”.

2020. Radical House World Exhibition. Chicago Athenaeum Museum (rescheduled).

2020. Bilbao Azkuna Zentroa. White Landscape Installation.

2020. Hello Wood. Installation.

2019. Disseny Hub Barcelona. Ludic installation.

2018. Kasimanwa video art official selection.

2017. CCVM Installation “Red Ludic Landscape”.

2014. CCK Cultural Center. Installation.

2011. La Redonda Cultural Complex. “Round Hammocks” Permanent Installation.

2001. Cultural Center. Artistic Installation “Interface”.

2019. International Biennial Arch.

2016. LA Architecture Biennial.

2015. Museum of visual arts JDC.

2011. MARQ. BA Arch. Museum 2011. São Paulo Arch. Biennial.

Prizes, grant and awards

2022. London Design Festival curatorial selection.

2019. BCD Invitation (Barcelona Design Center) “International Pavilion of Argentina”.

2019-15-14-13-12 Work of the year. Archdaily Nomination.

2018. National Fund for the Arts Award. Work “Casa del árbol”.

2018. Success story AL Invest 5.0 Program of the European Union.

2017/13. Good Design Award.

2016. Grant from the National Fund for Creative Development.

2015. Expressive grant. Cultural projects program.

2013. Award and permanent artwork collection Castagnino-Macro Museum.

2013. Grant for Advanced Training in Horeca Design. Politecnico di Milano.

2010. 1st Prize in private competition for workspace design. Argentina.

2006. Creativity Award. Art and Science Park Competition. Argentina.

2004. LA Di Tella Grant for master’s in architectural design, Navarra University.

2001. 1st Prize Cultural Center and Landscape Design.

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